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Welcome to the Richmond BMW Riders Club (RBMWR). We are a group of riding enthusiasts who get together monthly for breakfast and a group ride.

Although our name reads BMW, and many of us ride BMWs, we are first and foremost motorcycle enthusiasts - regardless of brand. As such, you are likely to see a variety of motorcycle brands at our meetings and in our group rides.

Our membership also consists of riders with varying levels of experience, riding styles, and overall motorcycle knowledge. This diversity makes it possible to find people who have a similar riding skill level and preferred riding style, or who are happy to discuss various motorcycling related questions.

We hold our monthly meetings on the 3rd Sunday of each month, starting at 8:30 AM. We usually meet for breakfast at Kitchen33, 13155 Mountain Rd., Glen Allen, VA. (On US HWY 33, on the left, less than a mile north of I-295.), but please check our events calendar for the most up-to-date plans and locations. 

The events calendar is also a great resource to see what motorcycling related events are taking place each month. Speaking of which, every year many members attend the national BMW MOA and BMW RA Rallies, along with numerous other regional motorcycling rallies. These events can also be found on our events calendar.

Guests are welcome and encouraged to join us for one of our breakfast meetings and group rides to determine if the group is a good fit. If you are interested in joining us, please just let us know so that we can ensure the restaurant gives us the right amount of space. You can reach us using the Contact Us tab above.

For those who wish to join, membership and annual dues are $20.00. The dues are used to support the presence and maintenance of this website and for other items on which the group may decide. You can join (or renew) by clicking on the Member Signup tab above.

Have Fun and Ride Safely!

Richmond BMW Riders Club

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